MadeGood Moments: #StayAtHome Tips & Tricks by Jessica Oakes

Here are some tips and tricks to keeping your little ones busy and entertained during #StayAtHome, courtesy of @jessicasoakes

I have an 8 month old and almost 5 year old and this is how me and my husband are surviving. Found a few tips and tricks that are making it work. 

1. Have a plan: Quarantine bucket list - we created this a couple of weeks ago to go to when we don't know what to do. It's also given us something to look forward to. Some things on our bucket list are: scavenger hunts, painting rocks, baking a treat, family sleepovers, making an obstacle course, playing musical chairs.

    How I keep my 5 year old entertained and keep my sanity:

    2. Crafting - I do this once a day with my daughter. It can be anything from coloring to building a birdhouse.

    3. Learning time - Every week day, we do some sort of school every day - I've created workbooks for this, the links are below. They are all interactive and engaging.

    4. Play time - Something I've been really trying to do more during this time (because I don't get too much when not locked in the house) is getting on the floor and playing with my kids. It might be boring to us (being honest, haha) but it means the world to them and these are the moments they will remember so I'm doing my best to soak these moments in.

    5. For my own sanity, but also a great family activity: Gardening - we've planted a garden out back and my little one helps me water it every day, they helped plant it and we are watching the plants grow.
